Our History
Established in 2012, Bedford and Main’s consulting services are based on decades of hands-on experience and commitment.
Our fundamental areas of expertise are: Operations, Compliance and Management.
We are proud to note that we have not been simply consulting for our 40 years. We have been, and continue to be, actively engaged in the broker-dealer community.
As importantly, we are not “consulting” to fill in a career gap before the next job. This is the final career step we chose back in 2012!
We spent the first 30 some years actively building and growing brokerage firms, both introducing broker-dealers and clearing brokerage firms. We successfully established trade execution, clearing, and custody relationships around the world. We have coordinated the integration and consolidation of independent brokerage firms. We have helped build new broker-dealers from the first steps of the FINRA New Membership Application (NMA). We have restructured existing firms and closed down others (frankly, setting them up is a lot more fun!) Our CEO has been honored to serve in the roles of SVP, MD, CFO, COO, President and CEO.
We are based in the metropolitan Philadelphia area, but our client base is global.
We appreciate the opportunity to discuss any scope of engagement, and we pride ourselves on delivering results.
Office: 609-707-1071
Email: inquiries@bedfordandmain.com
About the picture: Anyone that has been in this industry for a while will tell you it's a small world, where we share mutual contacts and form deeply rooted connections over our careers. Long term relationships are at the heart of the industry. Honoring the values of deep roots and relationships, we picked Bedford and Main for our company name. From the late 1800’s through the 1960’s, Foster's Dry Goods Store stood at the corner of Bedford and Main in Johnstown, PA.